NRVIA Standards of Practice (SoP)

My career of software developer for Seagate a major disk drive manufacture, design and test engineer for the Army’s Future Combat Systems (FCS) computer and Failure Analysis (FA) for Dell Computers enterprise storage system I have been focused on systems and requirements. One of the features of RV Scribeware is the ability to tag inspection… Continue reading NRVIA Standards of Practice (SoP)

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RVIA Seal and the NFPA 1192

The RVIA seal is found on most recreational vehicles (RV) built by the major manufactures in the United States. The RV Industry Association (RVIA) represents over 450 manufactures and component and aftermarket suppliers who together produce 98 percent of all RVs made in the United States. An NRVIA inspection is based on the NFPA 1192… Continue reading RVIA Seal and the NFPA 1192

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